Monday, 27 January 2020


Nice morning at Pat's Joan R got 3 votes to win the most votes

                     Kept On Pushing 

Omar Kaliff looked at his wife and children and realised at that moment what he had done what should he do he was desperate but he kept on pushing himself to find a solution. They had arrived in England ten years ago from a refugee camp in Pakistan and everyone was basically kind to them they were given a three
bedroomed house so that his two boys and daughter could have separate rooms
something that would not have been possible in Iraq where they were originally
from. The children enrolled in the local school and soon picked up the language
and made many friends this was more difficult for Amira his wife who went each
week to a class to learn the language and customs. Omar obtained a job in a
garage as a mechanic which he was good at and enjoyed, the pay was very good
as well and they managed to have a good life. Now because of one stupid incident this could all change. It happened four months ago he was working as usual when a customer brought in her car for a service her name was Anita, Omar could not get over her she was white as snow. They started to talk and the next time she came in they went for coffee, over the next few weeks things escalated and then one morning he woke up in her bed. He told her that this would not happen again but Anita told him if he did not meet her she would make it her business to tell his wife she also said that she wanted money to pay her rent. It was only then he realised she was a working girl and he was convinced that he had picked up a disease and because of this he had not touched his wife since it happened which was causing questions to be asked. Omar recalled his past life in Iraq one he wanted to forget but now he felt that he would have to once again become that person. 
He had managed to hide his true profession from the immigration people when he and his family applied for asylum his wife knew nothing she was always told that his job was in pest control and that was on his papers. He began to think that as Anita sold her body for money nobody would miss her. Just as he did in the past he made careful plans and thought of every thing that could possibly go wrong. When he was ready he arranged to meet her. She turned up in her car and Omar said let’s go for a spin I have what you wanted and he gave her a bunch of money. He was confident that she would drive to her favourite place a small isolated park near a wood and cliff and he wasn’t disappointed. She stopped the car and counted the money and said I will expect this every month he just smiled got out of the front of the car into the back saying “well if I’m paying for it” she just smirked but before she had opened her door she was dead he had broken her neck. Yes pest control where he used to live in Iraq meant the removal of people that his superiors thought were against the regime. He retrieved his money, then with great difficulty pushed the car over the cliff, he watched as it smashed on the rocks below before going into the sea. He walked through the woods to where earlier he had left his motorcycle and went home. After a while things got  back to normal he just told Amira that he had been feeling ill and because of that he had no energy and did not want to worry her but now he felt he was improving. It was reported in the newspaper that a car had gone over the cliff, but because of the rocks and crashing waves it was impossible to look for a body and no one had been reported missing. Omar felt good knowing that he had not lost his ability to do anything for the survival of his family w ho knows perhaps in the future this skill would come in handy.

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