Monday, 1 June 2009

June Story

Nicest day of the year so far bright sunshine and very warm. Rosemary joined us for the first time. Sue started us off about the young woman reminded of her past when she stole an eclair. Sheila gave a description of her day at the Wembley cup final. John told us about the Scottish MP and fishing restrictions. Brian a trader with a honey tongue. Joan E a family saga. My effort was about the top of the food chain. Rosemary and hiding the post. Joan R on hidden letters from another age. Ann told of a prank to make a car less in demand for lifts
The winner was Pat's.

Stuffed out of sight
This was to be the theme of our small writers group next project.
I wrote the words on a page from my notebook and put it on the kitchen table, waiting for the" brilliant idea". When, after a while nothing came to mind, I tucked it under the place mat.. you know that old saying, out of sight out of mind.
As it wasn't raining I decided to do a spot of gardening. The gardeners among you will know there is no such thing as a spot of gardening, one thing leads to another and before you know Its time for lunch.
I watched our friendly squirrel hanging by his toe nails trying desperately to eat the peanuts through the supposedly squirrel proof wire, he won. Still no brilliant idea! Finished lunch and returned to the garden. Oh good, those blue crystals had worked their magic and there was a slimy mess left by some hungry snails and slugs, the birds will finish those off. I love these new green slug baits. Whilst tucking long daffodil leaves under the heather to dry of, stuffed out of sight? ?Yes, No.. I spied a huge ants nest in the middle which I poked it about until the ants were running around with their creamy eggs in a panic. Then left them to the waiting robin.
We have had this huge Clematis Armandii in an old water butt which was well passed its re potting date by about 15 years. As its an early bloomer we didn't want to lose it, so decided to remove it from the tub and replant close by. Well, first off we couldn't lift it or dig it out, so my dear husband brought out his saw and cut straight down one side. As this didn't help at all he cut down the other side. This left a hard plastic flap which sprang up every time we tried to lift out the plant. In the end we rolled it slowly on its side desperately hanging on to the long branches and finally put it in the freshly dug hole. It sat there looking at us as the hole was too shallow by about 6". By then we had had it. After 3 days we gathered our strength and tools, we must plant this plant! It took both of us on our knees with a shovel, spade and a plank of wood to lift it out of its hole, dig a little deeper and finally re- plant it. Hooray. I took a couple of cuttings from the branch that had annoyingly snapped, just in case.
At the end of the day, whilst enjoying a well earned cup of tea and cake, I looked at my note again and still couldn't come up with a decent idea for a story, so I stuffed it out of sight, again.

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