Just Loosen
not sure about you, but I wish this digital age had passed me by.
Its difficult to ignore as its integrated into our everyday life.
young ones have no fear, and therein lies the difference. We ARE
afraid we might break something or be unable to return to our
starting point.
evening, watching an interesting programme on the T.V. A button on
the remote was pressed in error. Result, black screen. My husband had
dropped off clutching the hand control and I woke him up trying to
loosen his grip. We tried everything to no avail so took a look in
the booklet, which might as well have been written in Klingon. The
decision was made to press every button starting at the top.
Fortunately the 2nd and 3rd buttons restored
the picture and sound. Hooray. By then, of course, we had missed all
the interesting parts of the story. Now the remote is in a remote
place, just in case.
battery had worn out on my mobile and as it was less expensive to
purchase a new phone than a new battery , went ahead. The helpful
young sales lady transferred all my contacts onto the new one, or so
I thought. However only half of them were there...how annoying was
I am not against new technology, just think of the Space Station.
Then there’s PokeMon. It apparently means Pocket Monkey. I don't
understand how people can spend so much time searching for things
that aren’t there! Life is too short for this, and I do wonder if
the next generation will be able to tell the difference between the
real and the unreal world.
Next month cheznous Back over