June meeting
Despite winning last time I again got most votes mainly because my story made them laugh.
Up to much
Reminds me of him and him Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker
I can picture the two of them leaning on a five bar gate overlooking a lush green field dotted with browsing cows. Ronnie Barker with a straw in his mouth both dressed in rustic clothing of a bygone era. They are talking about Rodney a friend of Ronnie Corbett nicknamed dribble. Dribble was campaigning the local community for support in his attempt to get elected as local parish councillor.
Barker was looking at a leaflet published by Dribble pinned to the gate.
He tapped the photo of dribble with the straw and asked Corbett.
Is he up to much?
What do you mean up to much.
Well you know up to much like he'll never be a school monitor if he isn't up to much.
School monitor you're going back a bit aren't you. You telling me you had school monitors in your school.
We had a milk monitor.
What did he do then.
He monitored the milk of course what do you think he did. No TV monitor them days. He came round with the milk and gave us a half a pint bottle each with a straw. Except Johnny Green cause he had a version.
Version what's that then
You know a version when you don't like something cause it doesn't like you.
Oh you mean aversion
It's the same thing.
No it ain't a version is when you give your version and somebody else gives there's.
Give there's what?
Their version God Blimey.
They both lapsed into silence looking at the bucolic scenery. Then Ronnie Barker broke the silence.
Is he up to much?
You mean is Dribble up to much?
Course I did, is he?
Yes he's up too much at least the missus thinks so.
Why's that then?
Last night when I said to the misses are you up to it she said no as Dribble had came round the night before when I was bringing the cows home.
When was that then.
How late?
Twelve, I had to rescue daisy bell from the ditch when she tried to get into the next field.
Why did Daisy Bell want to go into the next field then.
Because of Arthur.
Arthur the bull.
Why did your missus say dribble was up to much.
She didn't.
You said she did.
No I said she said he is up too much.
Does he still dribble?
Dunno I'll ask the Missus.
Next month "She had taken"