Monday, 28 October 2013

28th Oct

The morning after the storm we met at Jack & Joan's, eleven of us. Brian jumped in to start with a Goose fair past and present. Joan E house removal. My story of my love of motor bikes when young. Sally 80 mph gales. Sue two old codgers and a bomb. Rosemary Ship Street nostalgia. Sheila throwing apple cores in gardens. John's sad tale. Joan R SAS men.
Next month "nowhere to walk" at John's.

Pat got top votes.


    During one of my contemplative moments I was thinking about the 3rd age. Actually I believe there are 5 ages...if you are lucky.
    Being totally dependent on others at during the 1stmini age.
    Hopefully you make it unscathed to the 2nd age, the teenage years, when your brain and eyes slowly open to the world around you. The adults don't seem to know whats going on, finding it hard to understand you. Why do they seem cross all the time.
To my mind the 3rd age is those middle years. Time to ditch the long
hair and short skirts, concentrate on work and family and finally feeling like a grown up.

As the 4th age dawns we all look forward to retirement. We still have plenty of energy to garden and do up the house, take lots of holidays. Time to meet new friends and try something different. Learning is more fun these days. No exams to take. Families reshape over time, with marriages, divorces, new babies and departure, sometimes much to early. Christmas is to be endured these days, after all its basically for the young unless you are a churchgoer.

Now the 5th age is really old age. The teeth are not what they were which makes you very careful. There are many decisions, for instance to carry on colouring the hair , keep on driving as long as possible, bother to renew the passport? At 3am all is black with the world. What to do with my favourite books, jewelry and carefully dusted little treasures? Will it all end up in the tip? Make a mental note to leave all paperwork in order and drawers tidy, you never know do you!

Waking up is a great start to the day, that means my number isn't up yet...that road is still closed. Keep taking the pills and try not to fall over.
If only I knew how long I had left I would know how much I could spend!