Monday, 27 February 2012

27th February

At John's today all 10 of us, 9 with stories and one with a joke as he could not think of a story even though he had a whole month to do it. Still it was a good joke if I can remember it.

A husband thought his wife didn't care much for him, when he suffered a heart attack she wrote off for an ambulance.

Nil points in a French accent.

Sue being last month's winner started the ball rolling with memories of horrific bloodshed and ambulances during the war. Joan Read a second start for Christopher. John fresh back from far distant lands recounted a story about Arabs and black gold. Ann's story involved a fallen tree. Sheila a boy who felt proud when he let an ambulance go by.
Pat was seeing fairies in a river clinging for their lives from rising flood water and a large dog's mouth. Joan gave us brief history of ambulances.

Sometimes I think I'll win this month as my story seemed so good to me and then get no votes today when I wasn't impressed and almost started another story I win outright.

Next month 26th March and the story is about "curled around"

The ambulance
Jim hated flies, he killed them with a well aimed blows of a rolled newspaper if he didn't have a fly spray handy or his fly swatter. Never did know why he was so fixated and nor did he know. The first time I met him was when sitting in the college food hall I felt a blow on my back I turned in surprise to find a red faced over weight youngster swatting a fly that had flown near my neck. He did apologise for hitting me so I forgave him and asked why was he worried about one fly. One fly is too many he said still determined to finish off the now downed flyer. Whack he hit once again and gave me a triumphant grin. He introduced himself I told him my name was Dave and we hit it off right away. He had the same interests as myself mostly into sport and despite his seemingly over weight appearance he was good at most sports although football was his main one.
He seemed normal enough in most things except for his intolerance of flies. I met his family later on when we went to his house, a large mansion compared to my own home. His parents who were both accountants were very up tight and the house was spotless even when I unexpectedly went with Jim so perhaps that is why he had this quirk in his personality.
It wasn't the last time he caused chaos chasing a fly. We went together to a bowling alley once for an afternoon's entertainment and that turned out different to what we expected. We met up with some other lads from the college, not ones I would normally keep company, they were to say somewhat quick to take offence and as we were beating them it looked as though things might turn rough. Jim by then had worked up a sweat and became a target for a persistent house fly turning Jim from being laid back to a volcano of action as he swiped and swatted like an angry desperate twirling dervish. The meanest of the other players took umbrage and pushed Jim over and that led to a real brawl as I joined in. It was quite good fun until the manager and two burly stewards ushered us out of the premises with the instructions never to set foot in there again.
Today I was outside Jim's house I came over to see him as he hadn't gone to school and I heard that he was sick. I was in time to see an ambulance with the doors open parked in the driveway. Just then the ambulance attendants brought out a very sick Jim on a stretcher followed by both parents who looked desperately worried
What happened to Jimmy I asked is he going to be all right.
His mother gave a hurried explanation, she explained her son had gone down with a fever two days ago and it had got worse during the day and the para medic had confirmed that his fever was caused by a septic bite from a horsefly.